Category: Facts

Costs of climate change today

Costs of climate change today

It is important to understand how already the present warming of 1°C [1] is able to cause weather catastrophies and thousands of casualties (in the Arktic, Alaska and Canada warming has, however, already reached...

Main emissions by industry

Main sources of Emissions

To understand how we can limit climate change, we must first of all know which are the main sources of greenhouse gases. This is an important first step, because otherwise we may try to...

All facts in 10 minutes

All facts in 10 minutes

In 10 years, do you want to be among those who regret that they have not informed themselves? Or to those who have tried everything to save the earth as it was for themselves...

Doubts about climate change

Doubts about Climate Change

There are still people who claim that climate change is overrated and at most partially man-made. But what would you do if your daughter had cancer and one doctor says she will die from...