About us

Climate Facts Now

Our aims it to inform about the causes and consequences of climate change in an understandable way.

Not everybody can dive into the details of scientific articles nor has the time to review hundreds or thousands papers. Therefore, it takes often very long until scientific facts are realized by the public. For example, scientist and members of the tobacco industry knew since at least 1940 about the carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoking [1], but it took thousands of scientific studies and millions of deaths until the public accepted this fact and until in 1999 even the tobacco industry acknowledged the deadly effect of smoking [2, 3].

Furthermore, in times of Fake News it is easier than ever to intentionally spread wrong information in the internet or social media or to present opinions as facts, since there are hardly any mechanisms for control of online content. How shall one be able to distinguish true from false information or opinion from facts?

In addition, there are a number of paid lobbyists and so called Thinktanks. Thinktanks are institutions funded by industry, that often present themselves as scientific institutions (sometimes they even have the name Institute even as part of their name). The aim of such Thinktanks is often to spread information – by means of published articles, interviews or presentations at meetings – which help the funding companies. Also Thinktanks try to publish in scientific journals (looking at the funding of published studies can help to identify studies produced by Thinktanks).

Therefore, the aim of Climate Facts Now is to transparently provide Information and scientific facts in easily understandable way and to help to distinguish facts, opinions, propaganda and fake news. We want to provide information that is relevant to understand and counteract climate change to everybody, before irreversible consequences start to happen, which we all will regret deeply if we let them happen.

Climate Facts Now is not funded by any organisation or business. This information service is funded completely privately. The content has been written by private people in their free night time between job and family.


  1. Cummings K.M., Morley C.P., Hyland A. 2002. Failed promises of the cigarette industry and its effect on consumer misperceptions about the health risks of smoking. Tobacco Control 2002;11(Suppl I): i110–i117.
  2. Cummings K.M. 2003. A promise is a promise. Tob Control. 12: 117-118.
  3. Brownell K.D., Warner K.E. 2009. The perils of ignoring history: Big tobacco played dirty and millions died. How similar Is big food? Milbank Q 87: 259–294.

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